This is part two of the analysis on all the errors and missteps Hoyoverse did in the English translation of the Interlude Act in Chapter V of the Archon Quests. SPaG problems are not included.
伊安珊:[...] 以后没有肉吃了,还要喝苦苦的蔬菜汁,就这样一天饿三顿,一直饿上几个月……
Iansan: [...] "I can never eat meat again. I have to drink kale juice for every meal. I'll practically starve..."
Kale, et cetera. What's more, you have to make your description more detailed to really move a small brain like Paimon's, not just use a simple verb "starve". To quote from the original, "I have to drink bitter vegetable juice, have to eat practically nothing for each day's three meals, have to starve for months after months ..."
Iansan: In reality, all it takes to start is eating two fewer servings of Blazed Meat Stew and adding some kale juice for nutrition. [...]
If I remember correctly, a serving of food basically equals to a whole plate of dish. Two plates of Blazed Meat Stew are a lot even for Paimon, aren't they? The correct saying should be two pieces of meat. Oh, did I mention the translation misses the "per meal"? Don't get too ridiculous.
Iansan: You already have that strength within you. [...]
That is, the strength to "overcome despair". In quotation marks. This is important, because it isn't some ordinary strength; because in Act IV, when Despair Engulfs the Heavens, only ones who had such strength could continue to combat the seemingly indestructible Abyss. Hence, in a way, she deemed the Traveler and Paimon as equals to the six named Heroes and many more unnamed fighters of Natlan, who all have that strength to overcome despair. I know Chinese is abnormally good at hiding nuanced information within its word choice, but when something enclosed with big punctuation marks is ignored as well, you know the localization team really isn't paying attention to their job.
"The Captain": [...] Draught of Lucidity.
Sire, thou used ye word "draught".
*stops talking like a medieval folk*
This is chiefly British spelling. However, I don't think this is a problem, because the medicine was invented 500 years ago, and the old-fashioned spelling can add a sense of antiquity to it.
Munay: Please, give him the draught. My son thinks he's alone in this world.
"The lone person in this world", or to say, every human being except him had turned into monsters. Solitude by itself can't beat a warrior like Ocotlan!
伊安珊:[...] 不过从他身上感觉不到第一次见面时的压迫感,现在他应该是将我们视作同伴吧。
Iansan: [...] Still, he doesn't seem quite as intimidating as before. We're basically comrades now, right?
"He basically sees us as comrades now, right?"
希洛宁:[...] 助你……也是帮助整个纳塔,将这场旷日持久的战争划上终点。
Xilonen: [...] so that you, Mavuika, and Natlan as a whole can finally put an end to this endless war.
Mavuika wasn't even there! In the original, Xilonen said "to help you so as to help Natlan as a whole", connecting the Traveler to Natlan's fate. Mavuika is also connected to Natlan's fate, but that's a different connection. She wouldn't mind it if you didn't give her compliment, so don't add something nonexistent in the original text.
Oh that is a lot! Thank you for reading my rambles! As extra snacks, let's see how Capitano almost revealed his true name in the original:
"The Captain": Th...
Judging from the Chinese eqivalent, "th" more likely corresponds to IPA [θ] as in thing, not [ð] as in these, I think. In any case, not many language has such sounds, so we can expect a name originated from Icelandic, Old English or Old Norse (Greek? I don't think so). That should get you lore nerds excited ... ?