30 Votes in Poll
I forgor the me button
Mine doesn't count
Depends, do you have any cryp dps characters you already play? if so, shenhe will be a very good buff for them, if not go for ganyu.
If you have Cryo DPS's, go Shenhe. If you don't have Cryo DPS's, go Ganyu.
I have a kaeya
He makes me uncomfortable af + I don't like him, so Ganyu. (based)
I would say ganyu.
Unless you take my ganyu when pulling, then go take shenhe instead.
I have no clue why I need cryo when I run overload
But then again a secondary team would be helpful for me
Well, Ganyu is a better cryo dps than Kaeya soo..
What do you think?