The Masked Officer enters his office and his radio buzzes and he picks up
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Sir, reporting from surgery room.
Masked Officer (Ayato): How did we do?
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Well, sir, most were shot in the head or chest and died immediately. The ones without fatal wounds were shot again to confirm the kill. So there's not much usable merchandise.
Masked Officer (Ayato): Who fired the shots?
Triangle Guard (Yelan): I think it was Number 11.
Ayato hangs up the radio. He then tells Yunjin to find Chiori to tell her to meet him in his office.
Yunjin enters Chiori's room
Square Guard (Yunjin): Number 11.
Chiori wakes up
Square Guard (Yunjin): The officer wants to see you.
Chiori leaves her bed and Yunjin leads her to the management area to meet Ayato
Chiori approaches Ayato
Triangle Guard (Chiori): You wanted to see me, sir?
Masked Officer (Ayato): Take your mask off.
Chiori takes her mask off
Masked Officer (Ayato): I told you not to interfere if you weren't going to assist us. I heard you shot the players who were still breathing so you could confirm the kill.
Chiori: I did the task that was given to me.
Masked Officer (Ayato): How long has it been.....since we met each other?
Chiori: I can't recall at this point.
Masked Officer (Ayato): If memory was right around seven years ago. The very first time I went to see you, you were lying in your bed in that dustly old hospital, just staring up at the ceiling like a zombie.
Masked Officer (Ayato): I couldn't believe you killed the team pushing you with one rifle and got past the fences at the Demarcation Line without any kind of help at all.
Masked Officer (Ayato): I saw you in that berld and felt sorry for you. So I decided to give you another chance to start over.
Chiori: And I'll always be grateful for your help, sir.
Masked Officer (Ayato): Then you should do what you're told.
Chiori: Sir, I don't think I will.
Masked Officer (Ayato): You worried the boss is going to find out? That shouldn't concern you. Last time we had a player do the surgeries in exchange for information about the games they were going to play. This time, we actualy brought a doctor here ourselves. There's no way anyone will find out about it, and even if they do....
Chiori: That's not my issue.
Masked Officer (Ayato): Then what is it?! Huh?!
Ayato sighs
Masked Officer (Ayato): When you met me, you wanted to find the kid you left behind. And If I can make that happen you'd do anything. Has something changed?
Chiori: Back when you first tolf me what I'd have to do in here, they way you said it was. I'd be helping people with no hope end their misery so they wouldn't have to suffer anymore. And I believed you. That's the reason I came here. You've changed, sir, not me.
Masked Officer (Ayato): Either way they'll end up dead. All we're doing is using their organs to help save others. What's wrong with that?
Chiori: If there's nothing else for me I would like to be dismissed.
Masked Officer (Ayato): Not yet.
Chiori stays silent
Masked Officer (Ayato): You told me you had a damaged kidney. So we went out way quickly to get a new one from you, we took a kidney from a dead player who was killed 4 years ago in the games.
Chiori: ....
Masked Officer (Ayato): And you know who that person was?
Chiori: No, who is she?
Masked Officed (Ayato): She was my sister. She was killed in this place 4 years ago in the games, and they operated on her and took out her kidney to donate it to the Inazuma Blood Bank. And you know where her kidney went? It's in you.
Chiori: How did you know that?
Masked Officer (Ayato): I checked your medical records, and that kidney that was transplanted int you, was the one that was removes from my sister's dead body. That's how I know it.
Masked Officer (Ayato): So, I don't see a reason why helping out is a bad idea.
Chiori exits the office
At th venue of the second game which is Dalgona, all the players lines up on the triangle line to choose the triangle shape dalgona
Neuvillette: The triangle's the easiest, right?
Hu Tao: Yeah.
The door opens in front of them and the circle guard gives a dalgona case to Hu Tao
Hu Tao opens the case and reveals a nightmarish triangle shape
Hu Tao gasps and breathes heavily
Furina: Wait wait wait, what? What the hell kinda shape is that? Even an archon couldn't get that out!
Neuvillette: Really? This one's the easiest to get out?
Lynette: Oh, god what is this? What's going on? Everybody's gonna die because you said "Pick triangle"!
Hu Tao: I didn't...
Kaveh: You told everyone to go here. How are you gonna make it right? What are you gonna do to fix this?
Hu Tao: This isn't...
Xilonen: You said you already played this before!
Hu Tao: I don't....
Alhaitham: How are you gonna fix this?
Arlecchino: You're gonna kill us all! This is your fault! It's your fault!
Hu Tao wakes up and realizes it was a nightmare
Hu Tao gasps and pants
Furina: Hu Tao, you alright? You look like you had a nightmare.
Hu Tao: I'm fine.
Furina: Are you sure? You were shaking a lot.
Hu Tao: It's just I had a nightmare about where we were playing dalgons which was the second game I played 4 years ago in this place.
Furina: Then what did you see?
Hu Tao: I saw everyone picking triangle, and yhe moment I opened the case, the triangle was very difficult to piece out and everyone started yellimg at me.
Furina: Wow, well, hope you're ok now.
Hu Tao: I'm fine, I'm fine.
Announcer: Your attention, please. The second game will begin momentarily. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall.
The players follows the guards to the game hall and they enter the game venue, and Hu Tao realizes the place is different and it gives her a hint that it won't be dalgona
Announcer: This game will be played in teams. Please take the next ten minutes to divide into groups of five. I will now repeat the instructions. This game will be player in teams. You will be given ten minutes to divide into teams of five.
Furina: Dalgona is not a team game though right?
Player 100: It is still Dalgona, isn't it?
Hu Tao: No, it can't be. The game must have changed after 4 years.
Player 100: If not Dalgona, then what?
Hu Tao: I don't know what we're playing.
Player 100: What? You said you'd done this before. Or were you lying?
Hu Tao: Yes, it's just that the games were different back then. I'm not lying.
Player 100: Then? How are you gonna make it right?
Neuvillette steps up
Neuvillette: That's enough.
Announcer: Please divide into teams starting now.
Timer starts
The players starts dividing into teams of 5
Citlali: It's not Dalgona, is that what she said!
Ororon: Yeah, it seems so.
Citlali: So what do we do now?
Ororon: Let's just find 3 other people who would join us.
Citlali: Ok.
Hu Tao: I'm really sorry.
Neuvillette: For what it's worth, I still trust you. If it'd be alright with you, I'f like for us to be teammates.
Furina: Yeah, I don't know what we're doing, but we should still buckle up and try. These games are for kids anyways. He and I used to play tons growing up.
Xilonen: And I feel the same way. I'll play with you 3. If we work together then nothing can stand in our way.
Furina: Yeah, well said panther lady. It would've been embarrassing anyways. Imagine Mictlanians having to play Dalgona. Then this game is worth a risk, something like Buck Buck or Squid Game. Don't you think?
Xilonen: Yeah.
Neuvillette: Alright, now all we need is one person.
Xilonen: I'll go find us a fifth person.
Furina: Yeah, go for it.
Xilonen walks off to find a fifth member
Mualani walks around to find a team and Xilonen approaches her
Xilonen: Hey, Mualani.
Mualani: Hey, Xilonen, what's up?
Xilonen: We need a fifth member, wanna join?
Mualani: You have a team already?
Xilonen: Yeah, come join us. All we need is one more person.
Mualani: Ok.
Xilonen: Alright, come.
Mualani follows Xilonen
Lyney: Father, this girl wants to join us.
Arlecchino: Really?
Lynette: Yeah, now we have 5 members
Arlecchino: Great, we are prepared.
After everyone divided into teams of 5 they sat down and wait for instructions
Announcer: The team selection period is now over. The game you will participate in today is a Six-Legged Pentathlon. Team members will start with their legs tied together. At each ten-meter interval on the track, one member of the team will play a mini-game. If that player wins, the team can move on to the next challenge. The mini-games are as follows: Game one, Ddakji. Game two, Flying Stone. Game three, Gong-gi. Game four, Spinning Top. And finally, game give, Jegi. You will have five minutes. To win, you must complete all mini-games and cross thr finish line before the time runs out. Now pelase decide which player will be assigned to each mini-game.
Ororon: What are you thinking?
Citlali: I'll do Gong-gi.
Ororon: Ok.
Furina: It's good we have girls in our team after all.
Furina turns to Mualani
Furina: You play Gong-hi, right?
Mualani: No.
Furina: I don't get it. Do we not play Gong-gi anymore?
Mualani: Not once, because it's not a game of Natlan.
Xilonen: I'll be the one to do Gong-gi.
Furina: You sure?
Xilonen: Yeah, I always play that game when I was a kid.
Hu Tao: For the rest of them, we should each choose the one we think we're the best at.
Mualani: Ddakji for me. Even against the lady in a suit, I still won way more than she did.
Furina: Ok great, so Player 251 takes Ddakji and I'll play Flying Stone.
Hu Tao: You sure?
Furina: Yeah, I'm very good at throwing.
Hu Tao: That means just Jegi and Spinning Top are left. Which of those works for you?
Neuvillette: I don't know, but....I'll do whichever one you think, Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: How did you know my name?
Neuvillette: I overheard them calling you that, so I thought I tried it out too. Does it bother you?
Hu Tao: Uh, no it doesn't bother me.
Neuvillette: So then, Hu Tao, what are you good at?
Hu Tao: I don't know, but, I guess Jegi the best one.
Neuvillette: Hmm. That's fine. I'll do Spinning Top.
Hu Tao: Great.
Furina: Hands in everyone. You ready? We can do this.
Furina, Hu Tao, Neuvillette, Xilonen and Mualani places their hands together in the middle
Furina: Count of 3 everyone say "Victory." 1..2..3...
All: Victory!
Announcer: Team 1 and Team 2, get ready to play.
The two teams prepares
Player 278: Let's go!
Team 1: Yeah!
Announcer: With that, let the game begin.
Kaveh: Let's get it! Whoo!
Gun shoots and timer starts
Team 1 starts walking
Team 1: One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!
Player 78 grabs the blue ddakji and flips over the red ddakji
Team 1 cheers
Announcer: Success.
Team 1: One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!
Team 2 urging player
Player 121 hits the red ddakji but missed
Announcer: Fail.
Team 1: One, two! One, two! One, two!
Player 178: Ok, focus. This is it. Focus, go.
Player 198 takes the stone
Player 369: Line it up slowly, and throw.
Announcer: Do not step over the line.
Player 198 moves his leg off the line
Player 178: Easy, ok.
Player 198 throws the stone but missed
Team 1 groans
Player 44: Shit!
Player 198: Give me another stone, hurry, come on.
The Circle Guard points and tells them to go and get it
Player 369: No, what?
Player 178: Ok. Let's go get it.
Player 16: Hurry.
Team 1: Ready, and One, two! One, two!
One, two! One, two!
Player 44: Grab it!
Team 1 falls down and groaning
Team 1 clamoring
Neuvillette: Flying Stone's hard. You miss one, and it'll be difficult to recover.
Player 45 hits the stone
Team 2 cheering
Announcer: Success.
Team 2: One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!
Announcer: Welcome to Gong-gi. You must toss and grab esch stone cosecutively, and then catch all five at once.
Player 79: Five at once, ok. I got it.
Player 121: Here let's sit down.
Player 79 tosses the stones and catches them consecutively, and she misses one stone.
Team 2 groans
Player 238: There's no time! You have to hurry!
Meanwhile with Team 1
Player 369: We still have time. Stay calm and don't hurry. Aim your shot and stay focused.
Player 44: You got this.
Player 178: We're still ok. We'll be
Player 198 throws the stone but misses
Team 1 exclaims
Player 16: Come on guys. Let's go.
Team 1: One, two! One, two! One, two!
Meanwhile with Team 2
Player 79 tosses and catches the stones consecutively
Player 121: Look at her.
Player 71: Good.
Player 79 successfully finishes the 4th attempt
Player 238: That's it! That's it!
Player 45: Finish it, one go!
Player 79 flips the stones but missed
Team 2 groans
Announcer: Fail. Pleas start over from the beginning
Furina: Xilonen. Practice that flip while we wait.
Xilonen: Yeah sure.
Xilonen starts practicing the Gong-gi flip
Meanwhile with Team 1
Player 369: It's an easy throw.
Player 178: Aim at it and just throw it already!
Player 44: Go on!
Player 198 throws the stone but missed
Team 1 groans
Player 179: You son of a bitch! You can't even throw a rock? I thought you said you were good at this!
Player 16: We gotta get it!
Team 1: Let's go! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!
Meanwhile with Team 2
Player 79 tosses and catches the stones consecutively
Player 238: You see what she just did?
Player 71: Good
Player 238: Good, now finish it. All in one go. So we can move on.
Player 45: Don't screw this up!
Player 79: I need quiet!
Player 79 tosses the stones and successfully catches it
Team 2 cheers
Announcer: Success.
Meanwhile with Team 1
Player 198 hits the stone
Team 1 cheers
Announcer: Fail.
Player 178: What?
Player 44: He knocked it down!
The Circle Guard points down and they realized Player 198 stepped over the line
Announcer: The player stepped over the line.
Player 369: You didn't check the line before you threw?
Team 1 groans
Player 178: You fucking idiot! Why the fuck would you step on the line!
Player 44: There's mo time left!
Player 16: We have to go get the stone!
Meanwhile with Team 2
Player 71 wraps the rope around the spinning top and the rope comes off
Player 79: You don't have to wrap it up tight. Just stay calm and relax.
Timer ticking
Meanwhile witth Team 1
Player 178: Please, please!
Player 198 throws the stone but missed
Team 1 groaning
Player: You son of a bitch. You just killed us all! We're all gonna fucking die because of you. Oh my god.
Meanwhile with Team 2
Player 71 wraps the rope around the spinning top, he throws it but the top didn't spin
Player 238: We have to try again!
Team 2 goes to get the spinning top but they fall down
Team 2 clamoring
Player 79: Hurry and grab it!
Furina: I think messing up Spinning Top is gonna take even longer to recover from.
Team 2 clamoring
Player 45: Come on, you can do it!
Player 71 throws the spinning top and it spins
Player 71: I did it!
Announcer: Success.
Meanwhile with Team 1
Player 198 throws the stone and successfully hits the other stone
Player 198: I'm done, I'm done. I hit it.
Team 1 weeping
Player 198: And I didn't step on the line either.
Player 178: Fucking idiot. You fucking idiot!
Announcer: Success
Team 2 clamoring
Player 238: We really need to hurry up!
Player: Come on! Hurry up!
Team 1 exclaiming
Player 178: Please don't shoot us!
Announcer: Time's up. You did not pass the finish line on time.
Time runs out and the guards shoots at both teams for not making through the finish line on time
Players screaming
Announcer: The following players have been eliminated. Player 178, Player 198, Player 369, Player 44, Player 16, Player 238, Player 79, Player 71, Player 45 and Player 121.
Kirara: We should have left! Now we're all gonna die! We're gonna die because half of you said you wanted to keep doing this! Now what are you gonna do?! You think you won't die like they did? Those teams just died because of you!
Alhaitham: Hey.
Kaveh: What?
Alhaitham: What are you doing?
Kaveh: Just praying for my survival. What else?
Alhaitham: You're so weird.
End Of Chapter