The circle pink masked guards takes the corpses inside caskets to the incinerating area to incinerate the corses of the deceased players that were eliminated in the first game, Red Light Green Light. One of the circle guards places a casket in an incinerator that drops the casket to the area where the guards operates on dead corpses to sell their organs.
2 Triangle Guards opens the casket revealing the dead player corpse
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Hold this
Xianyun holds the dead player corpse and Yelan cuts open then chest and revealing the organs
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Did you call them yet?
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): I did, they should be here soon.
Triangle Guard (Yelan): They better be quick because the boat is about to be here. We had to skip that last delivery because the organs were all damaged.
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): How were they damaged again?
Triangle Guard (Yelan): One of the dead bodies had a damaged liver due to excessive consumption of alcohol. And because of that, it's liver was damaged and blackened.
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): What a shame. We would have gotten full price if it wasn't for that damaged kidney.
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Of course. They expected us to give healthy and good condition organs, which is very hard for us to do that because most of these players that were killed and we operated on, their organs are mostly all unhealthy.
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): Let's just hope this one goes well, then we get full price.
Yelan removes a liver from the dead player corpse and places it in a bag
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): Then there was this one we operated on.
Triangle Guard (Yelan): What about it?
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): That one was still alive when we operated on it. And I had to struggle to remove it's organs. It just rose up from the table like a zombie, and I had to beat it to death with bat.
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Oh yeah, I remember. It scared the shit out of me when it woke up. And that thing only had 1 kidney which also caused us not to get full price.
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): That's right, let's hope this one has 2 this time.
Yelan continues operating
Meanwhile in the lobby
Furina: So Hu Tao, you've really been here before?
Hu Tao: Yes, I was here once 4 years ago. And the other 455 players who were with me, they were all dead.
Furina: And you won 45.6 billion Mora?
Hu Tao: I did.
Furina: Hm, If I just get 20 million of that prize money that still won't be enough. If I can just survive until the next...
Hu Tao: Furina. When I was first in here 4 years ago, I heard a player say something just like that. And by the end, they were dead like everyone else.
Neuvillette: Then why don't you help us young lady?
Neuvillette and some other players approach Hu Tao
Neuvillette: You said that you've been here before. You're the reason I ended up voting to stay.
Hu Tao looks at Neuvillette
Neuvillette: It's true. After the first game I thought I was gonna quit. And then I saw you. And I thought to myself "One more. Then I can go."
Lyney: Yeah, maybe you can help us of you played these games before.
Xilonen: Exactly. You're a previous winner, you can help us.
Kirara: I thought the same thing.
Hu Tao sighs
Charlotte: Hey. You know what's next, don't you?
Citlali: Yeah, what's the next game?
Furina: Oh yeah. You're a previous winner here so you know what game 2 is. So, what are we playing?
Hu Tao: The second game we played back then.....
Hu Tao: ......was Dalgona.
Ororon: Dalgona? Like the honeycomb you carve the shape out of?
Hu Tao: That's right. We had to pick one out of thr 4 shapes they showed us.
Furina: Ok then. Which one out of the 4 is the easiest one to do?
Hu Tao: The easiest was the triangle.
Mualani: What about the hardest one?
Hu Tao: Umbrella.
Mualani: Umbrella?
Neuvillette: So players actually picked umbrella?
Hu Tao recalls herself choosing the umbrella shspe dalgona in the second game 4 years ago
Neuvillette: They had no idea what the game was so I bet they were totally screwed. Right?
Players murmuring in agreement
Navia: Wait. That means we all just need to pick the triangle. Everyone should be anle to get through this one, right?
Player 100: Hey wait wait wait wait. If all 365 of us survive, that means the prize money will stay the same. We'd risked our lives to play another game for nothing.
Other players agreeing
Player 100: Good. We keep this quiet. It stays between us so that means we're the only ones who know. Sound good?
Hu Tao: We can't do that. The only reason I'm telling you this now is because I wanna try and save everybody. When I'm positive Dalgons's the next thing we're playing, then I'll tell every single person here what I just told you people.
Cyno: So, are you sure the next game is Dalgona?
Hu Tao: I have a feeling the next game might be different. Especially since it's been 4 years since I was here.
Furina: You're saying that the games might have changed since you've been here 4 years ago?
Hu Tao: Yes. I have that feeling.
Players chattering
Neuvillette: Then. We'll just have to see if it's true.
Furina: so Hu Tao, which shape did you pick back then?
Hu Tao: The umbrella.
Mualani: The umbrella? You said it was the hardest shape.
Kuki: So how did you manage to piece it out?
Hu Tao: I used a tatic, by licking the honeycomb until the outlines melts so that I can remove the excess pieces.
Mualani: That's impressive. I should fo the same.
Sigewinne: Me too.
Neuvillette: You said you won these games and made it out. And you won 45.6 billion Mora.
Did you spent all of it already?
Furina: Are you seriously betting on money again Neuvillette?
Hu Tao: The money does not belong to me. The ones who died in this place, that's their blood money. And the same goes for everything in there
Hu Tao points at the giang piggy bank
Neuvillette: What point is there in thinking about it like that? After all it's not like you killed anyone yourself. And that way of thinking won't help bring any of them back to life.
Hu Tao: If you'r pressed "X" liked I asked
You to we all could've left here alive. You could've saved everybody.
Neuvillette: True. I was the last player to press "O." It wasn't just me though. There's 182 other people who wanted to stay here.
Hu Tao: Yeah, and 182 more of them who wanted to get the hell out of this place.
Neuvillette: If I hadn't pressed "O." If I'd hit "X" and we'd all gone home, you think they'd appreciate what I'd done? If one of these people ran into me years from now, do you think they'd say they were happy I voted to go? That they ended up with a great life after all?
Furina: Alright that's enough. It is what it is. No use pointing fingers now. I mean, we're all in the same boat. Everybody's got their issues here. We just need to focus on winning the next game tomorrow. We have someone with us who's already won. If we just work as a team, then we have nothing to worry about. You know?
Mualani: Yeah that's right.
Xilonen: Then we shall work together till the end. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Xilonen.
Furina: Xilonen, what a nice name.
Xilonen: Thank you.
Furina: I'm Furina.
Xilonen: Furina, nice to meet you.
Quarrelling in a distance. And Kaveh started beating up Ororon.
Kaveh: You know how much money I losy because of you?
Kaveh kicks Ororon
Kaveh kicks again
Kaveh: Fuck you!
Kaveh stomps on Ororon
Alhaitham: Jerk.
Nilou: That guy's crazy.
Xilonen: Someone should intervene.
Furina: Yeah.
Neuvillette approaches the scene
Neuvillette: Hey, kids. What makes you think you can behave like that? Especially while people are eating. And in front of your elders too. It's bad manners, not to mention it's two against one. Shame on you guys.
Kaveh: You're in here just like everyone else. So cut the lecture....Granddad. How about instead of yip-yapping at me, you go back home to your own kids, you yell at them?
Neuvillette: What did you say?
Kaveh: I said save the lecture for your own kids.
Neuvillette grabs Kaveh's throat
Player 124: Hey, get you fuckin...
Neuvillette kicks Player 124's knee
Player 124: Agh!
Neuvillette kicks Player 124 down
Neuvillette let's go of Kaveh. Kaveh tries to hit Neuvillette but he dodges and jabs at Kaveh's chest
Kaveh: Wait, wait a minute.
Neuvillette grabs Kaveh's arm and twists it and kicks him 2 times
Kaveh: Agh!
Neuvillette stomps on Kaveh's face
Kaveh: Agh!
Neuvillette grabs Kaveh's jacket
Kaveh: I'm sorry, sir. Please, I can't breathe. I'm sorry.
Neuvillette let's go of Kaveh
Players cheering
Mualani: Awesome!
Arlecchino: Nice!
Kirara: Nice job!
Tighnari: Yeah!
Xilonen: What's that guys deal?
Furina: He's a Sovereign.
Meanwhile back at the operating room
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): Where's the delivery team?
Door buzzes
Yelan opens the door and scans the two circle guards
Triangle Guard (Yelan): It's about time you 2 showed up.
Circle Guard (Heizou): Yeah, sorry about that.
Triangle Guard (Yelan): Number 25, you're finally here.
Circle Guard (Shenhe): Yeah, I am.
Circle Guard (Heizou): I gave her a warning, it won't happen again.
Triangle Guard (Xianyun): It better be. Now, deliever these organs. They're in good condition this time, and make sure you get full price.
Circle Guard (Heizou): We will.
End Of Chapter