After the first game, all the pink guards reports back to their rooms. A female Triangle Guard enters her room and then gets pinned to the bed by 2 other Triangle Guards
Triangle Guard: Hey! What the?!
The other Triangle Guard takes off her mask and it's Chiori
Triangle Guard (Sethos): Huh, I honestly thought you'd be some total freak underneath that mask. But you have quite the decent face.
Triangle Guard (Scaramouche): Yeah, Inazuma girls are very pretty.
Chiori: What the hell is this? This is against the rules.
Triangle Guard (Sethos): Rules my ass. You should've steerer clear if you weren't going to help.
Chiori: I'm going to report this.
Scaramouche takes off his mask and hood
Triangle Guard (Scaramouche): Report to who? The officer?
Scaramouche cackles
Triangle Guard (Scaramouche): How long do you think she'll protect you? She's already cut you loose.
Sethos takes off his mask
Triangle Guard (Sethos): Do you want me to explain it to you in detail? The situation you're in?
Chiori headbutts Sethos and fights them off
Chiori: Get out of my room!
Sethos and Scaramouche exits Chiori's room
Meanwhile back at the lobby. The players sat down and relaxed next to their beds after the first game.
Chasca: You alright?
Xilonen: Yeah I'm fine.
Furina: Hey Hu Tao. What was that crazy-ass doll thing? Were there guns in it's eyes?
Hu Tao: The doll wasn't the one shooting at us. They have a team of guards up in the walls.
Furina: How could you know that though? Have you been here before?
Alarm buzzes and the pink guards enters the room
Square Guard: You have successfully made it through the first game. Congratulations to you all. Now if I may have your attention. I will announce the results so far.
The number of players on the board above drops from 456 to 365
Square Guard: Out of 456 players, 91 have been eliminated. Which means 365 players have completed the first game.
Square Guard: Once again, congratulations to all of you for making it through the first game.
Player 444: Sir, listen to me please! Let us go, please! Please! Don't kill us! I know we owe money. I swear, I'll pay it back!
Multiple players starts kneeling down and begging for the pink guards to spare their life
Square Guard: Players, there seems to be a misunderstanding. We are not trying to hurt you or collect your debts. We are simply providing you with an opportunity.
Hu Tao: Consent form clause 3!
The whole room goes silent
Hu Tao: If the majority of the players agree to stop playing, the games will be terminated. Isn't that correct?
Square Guard: That is correct.
Hu Tao: We'll do that. We'll put it to a vote.
Square Guard: If that's what you'd like. During these games, we will always respect your right to freedom of choice.
Players chattering
Square Guard: But before we vote, we will reveal how much prize money has accumulated after the first game.
The giant piggy bank lowers and tons of mora drops into it as the players look up to it
Square Guard: A total of 91 players were eliminated during the first game. Therefore, 9.1 billion mora has acumulated so far. if you decide to stop playing and quit the games now, the remaining 365 players will split the 9.1 billion mora amongst themselves. Meaning, you each leave with an equal share.
Cyno: Ok, how much per share?
Square Guard: Each player would get 24,931,500 mora.
Kaveh: Are you serious? Man, come on, we like almost died.
Kachina: 24 million, that's all?
Lynette: Cheapskate.
Xilonen: 20 mil? You're cheating us.
Chasca: What happened to 45 billion?
Square Guard: As per rules of the games, 100 million mora is added to the piggy bank for each player eliminated. If you decide to play the next game, and more players are eliminated, then the total prize money will increaee again accordingly.
Alhaitham: So, if we make it to the end of all this, how much do we get?
Square Guard: As previously mentioned, the total amount of prize money for all 456 players is 45.6 billion mora. That 45.6 billion will be divided amongst the players who make it through all six games without being eliminated.
Dehya: Ok, so that would mean that you're the only one at the end, you'd get it all?
Square Guard: That is correct.
Nilou: So we'll still be able to call for a vote if we make it all the way through the next game too?
Square Guard: As outlined in the consent form, once each games has concluded, you may call for a vote. If the majority agrees, you may take the accumulated prize money and leave.
Square Guard: Ensuring our players are participating in the games of their own volition is always our highest priority. With that, the voting may now begin.
The guards sets up the voting table in the front of the lobby room
Square Guard: If you wish to continue playing, press the blue button with the "O". If you wish to stop playing, press the red button with the "X".
Square Guard: You will vote in order of player number from highest to lowest. Player 456.
Hu Tao steps forward to the voting table
Hu Tao presses X
Square Guard: Once you've voter, attact the patch you're given to the right side of your chest, and stand in the area marked with the corresponding symbol.
Hu Tao goes to the X area
Square Guard: Player 455.
Player 455 presses O
Square Guard: Player 453.
Mavuika presses X
Square Guard: Player 451.
Navia presses O
Square Guard: Player 413.
Arlecchino presses O
Square Guard: Player 350
Kuki presses X
Square Guard: Player 345
Dehya presses X
Square Guard: Player 333
Citlali presses X
Square Guard: Player 316
Kaveh presses O
After multiple votes, the vote ratio is now 87 - 91
Hu Tao: Hold on everyone! Wait a minute!
Hu Tao goes to the middle
Hu Tao: Don't do this to yourselves. Just think for a second. Can't you see what's going on? These aren't regular games we're playing. If we don't stop this they'll kill us all! Just focus on getting out of this place. And to do that, we need to win the vote. We can stop this here and now.
Player 100: And who you think you are? Why are you trying to egg people on! What're you getting at? The game had just started and you scared us shouting about getting shot!
Player 249: He's right! You kept going on and on about how we were all gonna die and I got so nervous that I was almost killed out there!
Player 443: By the way, how did you know they were gonna shoot at us? You work for these guys?
Player 100: You're a plant, put here to try and trick us. They hired you to come and confuse us all! Who is this girl! You're the ones who put her in here to manipulate us!
Xilonen: Hey, old man, you better watch yourself. She's the reason you're not dead. You should be thanking her, not calling her a fraud.
Mualani: She's right, without here none of us would be here right now.
Charlotte: Yeah, without her help none of us would be alive.
Ororon: Exactly. You guys should be thanking her, not discriminating her.
Player 443: Hey fucker why do you care? You also a plant?
Ororon: You kiss your mama with that mouth?
Player 443: I kiss your mama. What you gonna do, huh?
Lynette: Guys! Come on! Think about this! Come on let's just go!
Chasca: None of us would have any chance of surviving if we go on!
Nilou: Yeah, come on! Let's leave!
Citlali: Everyone! Think about what we've been through today. We can't let this go on. It's only thanks to this young lady that any of us are still breathing after all that. Listen, I know how much money means to you all. But your lives are worth a lot more than money, so let's just finish this vote and get out of here!
Player 432: Nope! We're staying!
Faruzan: Come on! Let's just leave!
The players starts chattering and quarrelling
The players goes silent
Hu Tao: I said I've played these games before! I knew about the first game because I've already done it. Because I played the exact same one!
Hu Tao: I was here 4 years ago, and I played them all. And every single person who was here with me...........
Hu Tao: .....they were all killed! Everyone!
The players gasps and exclaims
Citlali: Died?
Layla: They really died?
Gorou: Wait. If everyone else died, then how did you survive?
Gorou: Unless. You're saying you were the only winner?
Hu Tao: It's true. I was the only one who made it.
Players chattering
Hu Tao: If you keep playing until the end, I guarantee every single person in this room....
Hu Tao: ....will eventually end up like those players. We will all be killed.
Player 100: What a load of bullshit. If you're the only one who made it, you won 45.6 billion mora. Why the hell would you come crawling back?
Player 249: Yeah! She's gotta be lying!
Kaveh: If you really did win this thing before that's good for us. You can give us some tips on how to win. And get to the end like you did
Player 100: That's right! He's won this. There's nothing to worry about. We all can win! Okay, come on! Let's make money!
Players starts chattering
Hu Tao: I need you all to listen to me. We have to leave this place. If we keep playing games, then more and more people are going to die. We have to end this right now so we can get out of here alive.
A Triangle Guard approaches Hu Tao and points a gun at her
Square Guard: Starting now, we will not permit any action that interferes with the voting process. With that, we will now resume voting.
After multiple votes, the ratio is now tied
Square Guard: We are down to one last vote, Player 1
Player 1 walks up to the voting table and presses O
Players cheering and yelling
Square Guard: The majority if the players have voted to continue the game. Therefore, the games will continue.
Player 1 turns around and it's Neuvillette
End Of Chapter