113 Votes in Poll
Aye. I'd prefer him to stay evil. A villain can also add a unique flow to the story.
That said, it should be noted that some of the segments actually had people that like Dottere.
That said, I've written a 'redemption' arc for him as well back when people griped about Scaremouche, Ei, and so on being given tragic backstories to 'redeem' them. (One for Azar as well.)
"You're not the only one with a tragic backstory..."
"...I too suffered when I was younger..."
"...I recall when I was two years old... there were some children in a park playing. Watching them jump around, running, and screaming with glee, enjoying life with one another hand and hand I couldn't help but want to kill them so I could see how their parents would react..."
"...but when I voiced my desire to my mother and divulged the manner in which I would bring my desired results to fruition, my mother looked at me with disgust, telling me I was wrong."
"I admit I was naive at the time, and its possible that the inner mechanisms for my plans may not have resulted in the children's immediate death, but that in itself would bring fascinating results! When I suggested a revision, my mother would hear nothing of it!"
"Not only was I denied my endeavor for knowledge, but I was imprisoned within my own room and not provided sustenance for an entire day!"
"That woman, my mother merely gave me life and acted as a care giver, providing me with nourishment, clothing, and protection during my infancy! To think she would stand in the way of a my pursuit of of knowledge. Not only that, but she failed to provide me with my evening meal, depriving both my mind and body of sustenance - and from experimentation I know just how important food is for a developing child..."
"...a child cannot grow if they cannot learn..."
"...needless to say, it wasn't long before I became an orphan"
"After which, would continue to indulge in my passions, becoming wiser. Enrolling using the name of a student who was thought to be missing... heh... fools..."
"but eventually I would take a wrong turn..."'
Like I usually love redemption arcs but I genuinely don't see how you can fully redeem that-
Redemption arcs can easily be cringe when it makes no sense and Dottore's redemption would 100% make no sense
The world could always turn out to be a dream, which would mean the people are fake... in which case, if you know you are killing fake people for knowledge of a more important goal to free the those trapped in the dream so they can wake...
^That only works if you fully commit to the 'we're trapped in a dream/program/whatever', and that person being the hero. It's not a redemption arc, it's a 'crazy person was right all along' arc.
Hell naw, dottore ain't dottore if he got redeemed
That's an impostor right there
No. Because it would ruin Him as a character and why he's one of my favorite villains in this game.
Hes genuinely a terrible person and irredeemable scum(whether I want him playable is a different story but I'm not going to purposefully bring drama here). Theres just some people you shouldn't redeem, and some people that don't want to be redeemed. Dottore is both. Hes great at making you hate him. Whether or not he has a good goal or sad backstory (assuming mihoyo would even take that route), hes still a bad guy.
I feel like he's actually written good in that aspect. Written in a way that for them to make a redemption ark, they would fundamentally have to make it a different person because anything less is unacceptable. No one would probably accept a redemption ark with the lines of.
"sowwy, I was in a siwwy goofy mood, I won't do it again :)"
Or make it like scara where he was fundamentally lied to and broken.
Scara isn't terrible, but no villain so far in game except maybe the giant abyss creature in natlan really screamed "Villain" to me, except dottore. every other villain isnt nice, sure, but none that really are truly VILLAINS.
Except Azar, but overshadowed massively by the whale that is dottore.
I honestly don't want him redeemed because hes just a character you kinda love to hate. Everyone universally agrees they want him dead.
What if you hear him say "I'm sorry and will never do it again", while hearing ophan's wailing from behind the steel door he's pressing against so they don't escape?
Hero's making virtuous speeches about saving the saurians as he half ignores you.
"Yes... we must save these... ugg... things..." *kicks baby saurian* "After all, I have turned over a new leaf. I am a virtuous person..."
"...for now"
You made it hilarious lmaooooooo
What do you think?