One of mine was I thought Mare Jivari, in a fully developed high res version, was on the other side of the low poly mountains outside the playable area. I also (for longer than you'd expect) thought Ley Lines were spelled Key Lines. I was very dumb
One of mine was I thought Mare Jivari, in a fully developed high res version, was on the other side of the low poly mountains outside the playable area. I also (for longer than you'd expect) thought Ley Lines were spelled Key Lines. I was very dumb
I thought the Fatui were the bad guys
I thought you could earn all characters through gameplay. Never heard about or played gacha games before.
I lost a bunch of respect for Zhongli after learning he had money problems, not knowing he was an archon.
I thought Shenhe and Kazuha were really underrated in the community. Shenhe especially, because she's pretty much a mountain goddess who had a rough past yet I never saw anyone bring that up.
Had a temporary belief Beidou was an archon even though I was fully aware she wasn't.
I got Xiangling and Xiao mixed up a lot.
Lastly, I thought Eula was a karen :shrug:
Thought Baizhu was the Dendro Archon 😭 iykyk
^ same when i first saw him I was like “oh is he the god of earth?” And then after seeing Nahida
Im like
Stupid me
Misread “radiant spincrystal” as “radiant SPINYcrystal” and i refuse to call them anything but, even now after i’ve been playing for nine months
When i first started i didn’t use waypoints cuz i thought it costed stamina
I also thought that to get the guarantee in gacha it had to be a 10 pull instead of every ten pulls
I thought venti was an girl lol
I thought abyss order is the church of favonius.
And then I thought abyss order is fatui.
Dont ask
Lol I also thought it was Key lines XD
What do you think?